The Ghanaian-Canadian Association of Saskatchewan (GCAS) organized an event in Regina on Saturday, 16th March, 2024 to commemorate Ghana’s 67th Independence Day in the Saskatchewan Province. The ceremony, which witnessed an impressive turn-out from the Ghanaian community and friends of Ghana in the province, was opened by a prayer, followed by the National Anthems of both Canada and Ghana, and then a welcome address by Mrs. Dorothy Allotey-Sarsah, President of GCAS.

The keynote address was delivered by Mr. Simon Atieku, Minister in charge of Political, Economic and Diaspora Affairs in the High Commission of Ghana in Canada and there was a remark by Hon. Mrs. Margaret Adu, Honorary Consul of Ghana in Calgary, Saskatchewan and Manitoba Provinces. Present at the celebration was the Regina Police Chief, Chief Farooq Sheikh. Participants at the colourful ceremony were hosted to traditional Ghanaian music, during which they danced to the tunes of old highlife and contemporary Ghanaian music.

A dancing group known as ‘Novisi Drummers’ entertained the gathering by taking time to display agbadza dance. There were questions and answers section during the occasion. Answers were successfully provided to questions ranging from the meaning of Ghana, the names of sixteen (16) regional capitals in Ghana, the first president of Ghana among others. Awards were presented by the Executive members of GCAS to persons who got the answers correct. Selected children drown from the Ghanaian community in Saskatchewan performed to the admiration of the audience. 

The sixteen (16) regions in Ghana were represented by a child and each of them took time to inform the gathering about the economic, cultural and tourism opportunities in their selected region. They ended their performances by displaying on regional basis different types of traditional dances. At one point, some of the invited guests showed their powers in Ghana traditional dance by getting off their seat to join the children to dance. It was colourful and beautiful to watch, the friends of Ghana present in the hall definitely took a message home and will not forget the glamour of array of colours, costumes and traditional dance of Ghana.

Meanwhile, the President and the executive members of the Ghanaian- Canadian Association of Saskatchewan in collaboration with the High Commission of Ghana in Canada organized a consular service for the Ghanaian Community in the Province on Saturday, 16th March, 2024. The exercise, which preceded the Independence Day event, were well organized and patronized by the Ghana passport applicants. The officials of the High Commission successfully captured biometric details of all Ghana passport applicants who had applied for the service.

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